Bentley, Philip ve Aubrey Silverston. 2007. Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Action: Limits Imposed by Economic and Legal Theory. Londra: Edwar Algar Publishing.
2007 anti-dampinge ilişkin yayınlar açısından verimli bir sene oldu, konuyla ilgili birçok makale ve çalışma kağıdının yanı sıra birbirinden değerli kitaplar yayınlandı demiştik. Bence yılın en önemli kitabı olan Philip ve Silverston'ın eseri hakkında tanıtım bilgileri aşağıda.
2007 anti-dampinge ilişkin yayınlar açısından verimli bir sene oldu, konuyla ilgili birçok makale ve çalışma kağıdının yanı sıra birbirinden değerli kitaplar yayınlandı demiştik. Bence yılın en önemli kitabı olan Philip ve Silverston'ın eseri hakkında tanıtım bilgileri aşağıda.
Bentley works as an attorney in Brussels, while Silbertson taught economics at Imperial College, London, UK; both have worked extensively in the field of international trade. They present an overview of the World Trade Organization (WTO) rules on countervailing action and dumping in a text for regulatory authorities, trade lawyers, trade economists and scholars, and students in business schools. Following an historical overview of the topic and a brief discussion of the WTO framework for countervailing action and dumping, the authors consider the matters in detail, examine a number of economic and legal problems that arise in their operation, and suggest a number of changes to current law and practice.
‘This book is an excellent study in depth of the practical problems that arise for regulatory authorities in seeking to apply the international rules, as laid down in the various WTO agreements, when requests for anti-dumping or countervailing measures have been received from industry. It offers not only an analysis of the difficult choices awaiting the practitioner but also a rigorous examination of the economic sense, if any, behind the practices that have evolved in recent years. On several occasions this sense is found to be wanting, and the authors make some thought provoking points and recommendations for change. Highly recommended for students and practitioners alike.’– Roderick Abbott, former deputy Director General at DG Trade in the EC Commission, and later deputy DG at the WTO
This book, written by a lawyer and an economist both of whom have worked extensively in the field of international trade, offers a challenging and thought-provoking consideration of actions against dumping and export subsidies.
Contents: Preface 1. Introduction 2. Anti-Dumping Principles 3. Anti-Subsidy and Countervailing Principles 4. Injury 5. Anti-Dumping Action – Problems Arising 6. Zeroing and the Full Degree of Dumping 7. Subsidies and Countervailing Action – Problems Arising 8. Public Policy Considerations 9. Anti-Dumping Action – Alternative Approaches 10. Conclusions and Recommendations Appendix 1. Article VI of the GATT 1947 Appendix 2. Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of GATT 1994 (AD Agreement) Appendix 3. Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Appendix 4. List of Cases Index
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