June, 13 2008
National Biodiesel Board (NBB) Statement
Regarding Initiation of European Trade Complaints
Regarding Initiation of European Trade Complaints
WASHINGTON, DC – Manning Feraci, the National Biodiesel Board’s (NBB) Vice President of Federal Affairs, issued the following statement in response to the European Commission’s (EC) decision to formally initiate trade complaints against the United States and the U.S. biodiesel industry:
“The allegations of harm leveled by the European biodiesel industry in these trade complaints are baseless. It is disingenuous and hypocritical that several of the European biodiesel companies that joined in the complaints are the very entities actively involved in the trade of U.S. biodiesel.
“The European biodiesel industry is not being harmed by U.S. competition. High feedstock costs, changes to EU member policies – and in some cases - poor business practices are the true issues facing European biodiesel producers. It is unfortunate that the European Biodiesel Board (EBB) has found it politically expedient to blame the U.S. biodiesel industry instead of focusing its efforts on the true challenges facing its membership.
“The EBB, despite the stated desire of the U.S. biodiesel industry to resolve this matter absent trade litigation, has chosen a protectionist ploy designed to block competition in the European market. The allegations made by the EBB are unfounded, and the NBB will not only vigorously defend the interests of the U.S. biodiesel industry, but will employ every tool available to challenge existing EU trade barriers that provide preferential treatment to European biodiesel producers.”
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