Debroy, Bibrek ve Debashis Chakraborty (ed.). 2007. Anti-Dumping: Global Abuse of a Trade Policy Instrument. Yeni Delhi: Liberty Institute.
2007 anti-dampinge ilişkin yayınlar açısından verimli bir sene oldu. Konuyla ilgili birçok makale ve çalışma kağıdının yanı sıra birbirinden değerli kitaplar yayınlandı. Ülkemizde ciddi bir boşluğu dolduran Serpil Oğuz'un kitabı (http://antidamping.blogspot.com/2008/05/serpil-ouz-anti-damping.html) bunlardan bir tanesiydi. Bir diğeri ise hem gelişmiş hem de gelişmekte olanlar dahil farklı ülkelerden konunun uzmanı akademisyen ve araştırmacıları bir araya getiren Anti-Dumping: Global Abuse of a Trade Policy Instrument. Adından da anlaşılabileceği gibi eleştirel yaklaşıma sahip bir kitap. Dikkat çekici bir diğer özelliği Türkiye'den iki akademisyenin, Marmara Üniversitesi İktisat Bölümü'nden Cengiz Bahçekapılı ve Murat Çokgezen'in de bir makalesini içermesi.
Kitabın İngilizce tanıtım yazısı ve içindekiler kısmı aşağıdaki şekilde:
"The increasing use of anti-dumping measures covering a wide range of sectors, both by developed and developing countries in recent years, indicates a policy substitution to protect domestic industries in the face of tariff reforms. While the developing countries are demanding special and different treatment to protect their interest against a possible misuse of this provision by their developed counterparts, many of them also rank among the major violators. In this scenario, a systemic review and subsequent modification/ scrapping of the anti-dumping agreement is the need of the hour. Responding to this need the Hong Kong Ministerial declaration (December 2005) has noted that negotiations on anti-dumping should, as appropriate, "clarify and improve the rules" in three major concern areas (determination of dumping, procedures and the level, scope and duration of adopted measures). The eight chapters in the current volume focus on the current scenario in select developed and developing countries, use of this provision in intra-developing country trade and analysis of anti-dumping cases lodged at the WTO dispute settlement body. The discussions in the volume significantly contribute in the ongoing debate and serve as an important input for current negotiations."
List of Tables, Figures and Annexures
1. India’s Involvement in Anti-Dumping Cases in the First Decade of WTO — K.D. Raju
Recent Developments
Substantial Dumping Issues at WTO
Dumping Cases in India
Anti-Dumping Initiations Against India
2.Calculating Normal Value as a Way of Protection: Some Evidence from Turkish Dumping Investigations
— Cengiz Bahcekapili and Murat Cokgezen
Calculating Normal Value as a Way of Protection
Anti-Dumping Practices in Turkey
Another Non-Perfect Dumping Calculation
3. Anti-Dumping Procedures: Lessons for Developing Countries with Special Emphasis on the South African Experience
— Nicola Theron
South Africa
Interested Parties
Constructed Normal Values
Material Injury
National Interest
Price Undertakings
4. The Growing Problem of Intra-Developing Country Anti-Dumping Actions in World Trade
— Kofi Oteng Kufuor
The Emergence of DCs as Active Users of Anti-Dumping Actions
The Importance of Containing the Growing Problem of
Intra-DC Anti-Dumping Actions
Possible Measures to Combat LDC Tendencies for Anti-Dumping Actions
5. The Rhetoric and Reality of US Anti-Dumping Law
— Brink Lindsey and Daniel Ikenson
Missing the Target
Flawed Methodologies
Examining the Case Record
Market Distortions Assumed, Not Proven
Price Differences and Sanctuary Markets
Sales Below Cost and Market Distortions
6. Anti-Dumping in the European Union — Fredrik Erixon
The Economics of Anti-Dumping
Anti-Dumping Policy and Actions in the European Union
The European Union and Anti-Dumping: In Lieu of Conclusion
7. Why is China the World’s Number One Anti-Dumping Target?— Yuefen Li
External Factors
Domestic Factors Contributing to the Utilisation of Contingent Protection Measures against Chinese Exports
8. Misuse of Anti-Dumping Provisions: What do the WTO Disputes Reveal?
— Debashis Chakraborty
A Global Scenario
Anti-Dumping Disputes Involving India: A Review of Issues
The Way Ahead
Annexure-A: Differential and More Favourable Treatment for Developing and Least Developed Countries in Various WTO Agreements— Concerns Regarding Implementation— Anti-Dumping Measures (The Indian View)
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