Ticari Savunma Araçları or Trade Defence Instruments is a frequently updated blog in Turkish about anti-dumping, countervailing duty and safeguard decisions, disputes involving such measures, research and commentary about these trade policy instruments as well as major developments about the multilateral trading system and the World Trade Organisation. It is the only Turkish web site dedicated to trade defence instruments and aims to provide those interested with detailed information and help build awareness.
The scope of the blog is global, but it is constrained by language barriers and insufficiency of public information dissemination in some countries.
A secondary purpose is to provide information to non-Turkish speakers about the related developments in Turkey. The blogger is also the correspondent of Cliff Stevenson's http://www.antidumpingpublishing.com/ for Turkey. All entries in English are tagged so.
The blogger is a consultant who has participated in several Turkish anti-dumping investigations. He is also a PhD candidate with an interest in the microeconomic policies of the EU.
The blogger is a consultant who has participated in several Turkish anti-dumping investigations. He is also a PhD candidate with an interest in the microeconomic policies of the EU.
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